Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fema, Money, and Overall Stupidity

March of 2008, I and my family were flooded out of our house. After that we were told and told again that we would have our house bought out and that the paper work would be done soon. We were then told that we could work with the city and go ahead and buy a new house, so after some questioning we did. Half a year after the flood, still nothing had happened. Then I lost my job, with no money coming in and two house payments...well, we were/are in trouble. We got $40,000 in insurance money but the bank is withholding the money, which from what I'm told is illegal for them to do. But its not like I can do anything about it. They wont even let us take money out to pay the house payment, which is the reason that they are withholding the money in the first place. Anyway, the city continues to lie to us about when things will happen, and every month we are told that "next month is when it all happens." and the months keep going by.

What makes it even harder is people are posting in the news papers how they "dont want their tax dollars going to but out the flood houses cause we should have known better than to buy in the flood plain", well would you have told someone from New Orleans that they dont deserve help for Katrina cause its their fault that they moved to the coast line? I dont think so.

It seems like money keeps being spent on pointless stuff, and we just keep being over looked. The government acts like we they can just brush us victems under the carpet, and is what is sad is...they can, cause they have put things off for so long that we are so out of cash and completely depressed that, there isnt much we could even try to do. The country is all ready in bad shape and every one is hurting for money, but we have been flooded out and were told it was okay to buy another home, now we have no money, no job, two house pay ments, and no end in sight. Somethings gotta give, but what...and more importantly, when?

Now there realy isnt any point to this post, or meaning but it got the story out, broke the ice so to speak. There will be more importants rants to come, I assure you. After all if the government keeps doing stupid stuff like its doing now, I will all ways have something to talk about. Lol, till next time thanks for reading. This is Crazy, over and out.